Artist Talk at 16.00, @ Tbilisi State Academy of Art Big Exhibition Hall (Free entry)
Tbilisi State Academy of Art, "Archidrome" - contemporary art archive and Group Bouillon present contemporary Estonian art in the Tbilisi State Academy of Art Big Exhibition Hall.Hannes Aasamets, Henri Hütt, Mihkel Ilus, Mihkel Maripuu (Video, Performance, Paintings).
The exhibition was organized in collaboration with ‘Archidrome’ and the Group Boullion with the support of the Estonian Embassy in Tbilisi.
Mihkel Illus, who also served as organizer from the Estonian side, presented five large-scale expressionist abstract paintings. Mihkel Maripuu’s installations featured butterflies made with pins and small coloured plates on foam plastic. The images react to people’s movement creating an amazing colour play. Henri Hütt’s huge wooden box with mobile sound and image installation caught everybody’s attention. Video works presented thematically arranged problems faced by a young generation of Estonians that were equally relevant to the Georgian reality. The performance was developed by four artists within three days. Modified and enriched from one presentation to another, the theme of conflict among individuals, religions, etc achieved its highest point during the last day performance, when performers started beating each other.
Exhibition opening: 16.12.2009, 15.00.,
Tbilisi State Academy of Art Big Exhibition Hall,
Address: Griboedov street-22
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Vajiko A. the shark - TRAIN YOUR SENTIMENTS #1 (children of market)
Opening at 20:00h Gallery "Shardeni 19" (Shardeni st. 19), Tbilisi, Georgia
Vajiko A. Shark, born in 1985 Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. From 2003 to 2007 Vajiko studied at the Multimedia Studio Department of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. He and his fellow students (Giorgi Gagoshidze, Giorgi Marr, Elene Naveriani, Melano Sokhadze and Mari Tsiklauri) have been members of the Group LOTT. Being young and provocative, criticizing the conservative educational system at the State Academy, the group has caused many conflicts and discussions in the art society. After having attended classes at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, Vajiko moved to Berlin to continue working. The artist provokes his audience by trying to act through a conflict deliberately activated against the system and its well-established order, to produce space for different expressions and to break through the established views and life habits.
Opening at 20:00h Gallery "Shardeni 19" (Shardeni st. 19), Tbilisi, Georgia
Vajiko A. Shark, born in 1985 Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. From 2003 to 2007 Vajiko studied at the Multimedia Studio Department of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. He and his fellow students (Giorgi Gagoshidze, Giorgi Marr, Elene Naveriani, Melano Sokhadze and Mari Tsiklauri) have been members of the Group LOTT. Being young and provocative, criticizing the conservative educational system at the State Academy, the group has caused many conflicts and discussions in the art society. After having attended classes at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, Vajiko moved to Berlin to continue working. The artist provokes his audience by trying to act through a conflict deliberately activated against the system and its well-established order, to produce space for different expressions and to break through the established views and life habits.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
საზღვარი_თავი I / Border_Chapter I
12.10.2009 at 17.00
გახსნა-პრეზენტაცია, კავკასიური სახლი, გალაქტიონ ტაბიძის ქ. 20, თბილისი / Opening at Caucasian House in Georgia, Galaktion Tabidze st. 20, Tbilisi
80-იანი წლებიდან საქართველოში ღიად დაიწყო ერთი ცნობიერების რღვევა და მისი, სულ სხვა, ახალი, ჯერ კიდევ გაუცნობიერებელი კაპიტალიზმით ჩანაცვლება। სულ მალე ქვეყნის ერთიანობისთვის დაიწყო ომი, სადაც ჯერ მოგებული, არავინ დარჩენილა, მაგრამ ომი აქტიურდება და დასასრული არ ჩანს.
კავკასიაში, რომელიც გზაჯვარედინია აღმოსავლეთსა და დასავლეთს შორის, ხშირად ჩნდება განცდა იმისა, რომ ჩვენი რეგიონი არა იმდენად გამტარია, რამდენადაც საზღვარი განსხვავებულ და პერიოდულად დაპირისპირებულ ცივილიზაციებს შორის.
საზღვრის თემაზე გამოფენის ორგანიზების სურვილი ორი წლის წინ გაუჩნდა და სოფო კილასონიამ მისი ორგანიზება ლევან მინდიაშვილთან ერთად ჯერ კიდევ 2008 წლის დასაწყისში დაიწყეს. მონაწილეობდა დაახლოებით 20 ქართველი და უცხოელი ახალგაზრდა მხატვარი. თითქმის ყველაფერი მზად იყო, როცა რუსეთ-საქართველოს ომი დაიწყო. რეალურმა ბრძოლამ და საზღვრების და მიწის დასაცავად მორიგმა დაღვრილმა სისხლმა გააფერმკრთალა პროექტი და ნამუშევრები. შეიცვალა დამოკიდებულება, ძალიან ბევრი რამ პროექტიდან ეფემერულად იქცა. უმეტესი ნამუშევრები – თითქოს არაადეკვატურად, საზღვრის თემა კი მეტისმეტად დამიწდა და დაკონკრეტდა. ასეთ დროს ხომ ძალიან იოლია ხელოვნება იქცეს დოკუმენტურ პროზად. პროექტი „საზღვარი“ მაინც გრძელდება. 2009 წელს შექმნილი რამდენიმე ნამუშევრის პრეზენტაცია „არტისტერიუმის“ პარალელურად შედგება. Border _ chapter I არის პროექტის პირველი ნაწილი, რომელიც ქართველი და არგენტინელი მხატვრების კოლაბორაციას წარმოადგენს.
From 80’s as in every post soviet country in Georgia also had begun the process of the deconstruction of the established mentality and its replacement with the totally vague and indistinct ‘capitalism’… Simultaneously to this process aroused the war for the national and geographical entirety and though there are no winners in this battle, it still continues until today… In Georgia, as in other countries of the region Caucasus, we still fight to defend our own geographical borders, they seems to become such a luxury for us… The origins of all the problems and misfortunes of this region are still hidden in the political and mental borders of its society… Caucasus, the crossroad of “east” and “west”, more often appears not as a conductor but merely as a border between different and sometimes even opposed civilizations… The idea of the project Border was born around two years ago. In the beginning of 2008 I started working on it together with the artist Levan Mindiashvili. We already had selected around twenty national and international artists and everything was almost ready when the Russian-Georgian war has begun. The “real” struggle for the “real” borders has changed the importance and the initial essence of the project. Some selected works lost adequateness to the reality, the demand of the meaning of Border became more concrete, more precise. In such circumstances art easily transforms into the banal documentary. The project Border still goes on. I am glad that in the parallel to Artisterium we can expose some artworks produced in 2009. Border _ chapterI is a first part of the project representing a very intereseting collaboration between artists from Georgia and Argentina.
კურატორი სოფო კილასონია / Curated by Sophia Kilassonia
გახსნა-პრეზენტაცია, კავკასიური სახლი, გალაქტიონ ტაბიძის ქ. 20, თბილისი / Opening at Caucasian House in Georgia, Galaktion Tabidze st. 20, Tbilisi
80-იანი წლებიდან საქართველოში ღიად დაიწყო ერთი ცნობიერების რღვევა და მისი, სულ სხვა, ახალი, ჯერ კიდევ გაუცნობიერებელი კაპიტალიზმით ჩანაცვლება। სულ მალე ქვეყნის ერთიანობისთვის დაიწყო ომი, სადაც ჯერ მოგებული, არავინ დარჩენილა, მაგრამ ომი აქტიურდება და დასასრული არ ჩანს.
კავკასიაში, რომელიც გზაჯვარედინია აღმოსავლეთსა და დასავლეთს შორის, ხშირად ჩნდება განცდა იმისა, რომ ჩვენი რეგიონი არა იმდენად გამტარია, რამდენადაც საზღვარი განსხვავებულ და პერიოდულად დაპირისპირებულ ცივილიზაციებს შორის.
საზღვრის თემაზე გამოფენის ორგანიზების სურვილი ორი წლის წინ გაუჩნდა და სოფო კილასონიამ მისი ორგანიზება ლევან მინდიაშვილთან ერთად ჯერ კიდევ 2008 წლის დასაწყისში დაიწყეს. მონაწილეობდა დაახლოებით 20 ქართველი და უცხოელი ახალგაზრდა მხატვარი. თითქმის ყველაფერი მზად იყო, როცა რუსეთ-საქართველოს ომი დაიწყო. რეალურმა ბრძოლამ და საზღვრების და მიწის დასაცავად მორიგმა დაღვრილმა სისხლმა გააფერმკრთალა პროექტი და ნამუშევრები. შეიცვალა დამოკიდებულება, ძალიან ბევრი რამ პროექტიდან ეფემერულად იქცა. უმეტესი ნამუშევრები – თითქოს არაადეკვატურად, საზღვრის თემა კი მეტისმეტად დამიწდა და დაკონკრეტდა. ასეთ დროს ხომ ძალიან იოლია ხელოვნება იქცეს დოკუმენტურ პროზად. პროექტი „საზღვარი“ მაინც გრძელდება. 2009 წელს შექმნილი რამდენიმე ნამუშევრის პრეზენტაცია „არტისტერიუმის“ პარალელურად შედგება. Border _ chapter I არის პროექტის პირველი ნაწილი, რომელიც ქართველი და არგენტინელი მხატვრების კოლაბორაციას წარმოადგენს.
From 80’s as in every post soviet country in Georgia also had begun the process of the deconstruction of the established mentality and its replacement with the totally vague and indistinct ‘capitalism’… Simultaneously to this process aroused the war for the national and geographical entirety and though there are no winners in this battle, it still continues until today… In Georgia, as in other countries of the region Caucasus, we still fight to defend our own geographical borders, they seems to become such a luxury for us… The origins of all the problems and misfortunes of this region are still hidden in the political and mental borders of its society… Caucasus, the crossroad of “east” and “west”, more often appears not as a conductor but merely as a border between different and sometimes even opposed civilizations… The idea of the project Border was born around two years ago. In the beginning of 2008 I started working on it together with the artist Levan Mindiashvili. We already had selected around twenty national and international artists and everything was almost ready when the Russian-Georgian war has begun. The “real” struggle for the “real” borders has changed the importance and the initial essence of the project. Some selected works lost adequateness to the reality, the demand of the meaning of Border became more concrete, more precise. In such circumstances art easily transforms into the banal documentary. The project Border still goes on. I am glad that in the parallel to Artisterium we can expose some artworks produced in 2009. Border _ chapterI is a first part of the project representing a very intereseting collaboration between artists from Georgia and Argentina.
კურატორი სოფო კილასონია / Curated by Sophia Kilassonia
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Poster Exhibition News Papers
Tamaz Varvaridze presents his students
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts
Poster design Studio
The aim of the Varvaridze’s poster design studio is to foster creative thinking, to develop the ability to find non-standard solutions and a sense of irony and humour. At poster design studio students develop an understanding of the relevance of function and figurative expression. They are taught all genres of poster, including advertising, political, social and cultural. Students actively participate in international contests and are prize-winners of various design contests and festivals, such as D&AD students awards and the Book Festival.
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
Tamaz Varvaridze presents his students
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts
Poster design Studio
The aim of the Varvaridze’s poster design studio is to foster creative thinking, to develop the ability to find non-standard solutions and a sense of irony and humour. At poster design studio students develop an understanding of the relevance of function and figurative expression. They are taught all genres of poster, including advertising, political, social and cultural. Students actively participate in international contests and are prize-winners of various design contests and festivals, such as D&AD students awards and the Book Festival.
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tamar Chabashvili
Presentation of PSWAR (Public Space With A Roof) Projects @ Silk Museum
After the presentation film screening "Artists in the Big Top"
by Alexander Kluge, 1968.
Special thanks to Goethe Institute in Georgia for distributing the film.
‘Public Space With A Roof’ (PSWAR) was founded in 2003. It was initiated as a research project-space with the aim to enable artists to develop and present their ideas, realize collaborative projects and engage in a critical discourse. From 2006, PSWAR has been represented by Tamuna Chabashvili, Adi Hollander and Vesna Madzoski. After graduating from the Department of Sculpture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, two members of the PSWAR group felt the urge to find a format in which they would openly discuss various questions and ideas - mainly concerning the possible redefinition of public art and the possibilities of sharing the working process with the public. In that way, PSWAR has become a specific extension of the artistic practice and the open studio. PSWAR considers its practice to be on the border with many disciplines (curating, critical theory, social engagement, etc.) and uses exhibition making as a medium in art.
Curated by: Nini Palavandishvili
Presentation of PSWAR (Public Space With A Roof) Projects @ Silk Museum
After the presentation film screening "Artists in the Big Top"
by Alexander Kluge, 1968.
Special thanks to Goethe Institute in Georgia for distributing the film.
‘Public Space With A Roof’ (PSWAR) was founded in 2003. It was initiated as a research project-space with the aim to enable artists to develop and present their ideas, realize collaborative projects and engage in a critical discourse. From 2006, PSWAR has been represented by Tamuna Chabashvili, Adi Hollander and Vesna Madzoski. After graduating from the Department of Sculpture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, two members of the PSWAR group felt the urge to find a format in which they would openly discuss various questions and ideas - mainly concerning the possible redefinition of public art and the possibilities of sharing the working process with the public. In that way, PSWAR has become a specific extension of the artistic practice and the open studio. PSWAR considers its practice to be on the border with many disciplines (curating, critical theory, social engagement, etc.) and uses exhibition making as a medium in art.
Curated by: Nini Palavandishvili
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sophia Tabatadze
Presentation of artworks @ Silk Museum
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
Sophia Tabatadze, born in 1977 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. After graduating from the Nikoladze Art College in Tbilisi, she studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Tabatadze’s pieces are not related to one specific location, be it her homeland, Georgia, or the lands overseas, but rather remain relevant everywhere. The human condition in a global village, reduced to ornamental motifs, reflected in architectural innovations, pieces of embroidery or snaps of phrases applies to anyone. With the work ‘Humancon Undercon’ Tabatadze represented her country in the Georgian Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale, where she again concentrated on the home, and on the relation between architecture and the individual.
Presentation of artworks @ Silk Museum
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
Sophia Tabatadze, born in 1977 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. After graduating from the Nikoladze Art College in Tbilisi, she studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Tabatadze’s pieces are not related to one specific location, be it her homeland, Georgia, or the lands overseas, but rather remain relevant everywhere. The human condition in a global village, reduced to ornamental motifs, reflected in architectural innovations, pieces of embroidery or snaps of phrases applies to anyone. With the work ‘Humancon Undercon’ Tabatadze represented her country in the Georgian Pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale, where she again concentrated on the home, and on the relation between architecture and the individual.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Feminist Art Studio SPERO
Exhibition and presentation of the group @ Arci Gallery
Feminist Art Studio SPERO is:
Tamuna Archvadze; Tamar Bochorishvili; Nino Chabashvili;
Ane Cheishvili; Salome Ganiashvili; Tamriko Gudushauri;
Qristine Kakabadze; Nino Margvelashvili; Ana Tabatadze;
Salome Tsagareishvili; Anuka Tsertsvadze; Gvantsa Jgharkava;
Medea Qoqiashvili; Ia Khatiashvili
The project Feminist Art Studio ‘Spero’ aimed to promote feminist art in Georgia; to enable women artists in Georgia to work and become more visible; to ensure women’s better access to art resources; to encourage a better representation of women artists in contemporary art of Georgia. Objectives of the project included setting up a feminist art studio equipped with necessary facilities for creating a comfortable atmosphere for female art students, artists and art lovers; promoting feminist values among the participants enabling them to paint and draw free of charge; raising public interest in feminist art and women artists’ work through studio discussions.
Curated by: Ani Chorgolashvili
Exhibition and presentation of the group @ Arci Gallery
Feminist Art Studio SPERO is:
Tamuna Archvadze; Tamar Bochorishvili; Nino Chabashvili;
Ane Cheishvili; Salome Ganiashvili; Tamriko Gudushauri;
Qristine Kakabadze; Nino Margvelashvili; Ana Tabatadze;
Salome Tsagareishvili; Anuka Tsertsvadze; Gvantsa Jgharkava;
Medea Qoqiashvili; Ia Khatiashvili
The project Feminist Art Studio ‘Spero’ aimed to promote feminist art in Georgia; to enable women artists in Georgia to work and become more visible; to ensure women’s better access to art resources; to encourage a better representation of women artists in contemporary art of Georgia. Objectives of the project included setting up a feminist art studio equipped with necessary facilities for creating a comfortable atmosphere for female art students, artists and art lovers; promoting feminist values among the participants enabling them to paint and draw free of charge; raising public interest in feminist art and women artists’ work through studio discussions.
Curated by: Ani Chorgolashvili
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lado Pochkhua
'The Art of Returning Home'
Portfolio presentation and exhibition @ Arci Gallery
Lado Pochkhua, born in Sokhumi, Georgia, lives and works in New York. Pochkhua mainly works in painting, often using private family albums or photographs from his friends’ archives, flea markets, bookstores and antique shops as a draft for his artworks. These photographs have had a dramatic impact on his works. For Pochkhua the 20th century private photography is characterized by an amazing similarity of themes. With his works he makes a record of collective space across years, nations and wars. His motivation is both the desire to give anonymous photographs a second life and to project the future through the artistry of the not-so-remote past.
Curated by: Nini Palavandishvili
See also:
'The Art of Returning Home'
Portfolio presentation and exhibition @ Arci Gallery
Lado Pochkhua, born in Sokhumi, Georgia, lives and works in New York. Pochkhua mainly works in painting, often using private family albums or photographs from his friends’ archives, flea markets, bookstores and antique shops as a draft for his artworks. These photographs have had a dramatic impact on his works. For Pochkhua the 20th century private photography is characterized by an amazing similarity of themes. With his works he makes a record of collective space across years, nations and wars. His motivation is both the desire to give anonymous photographs a second life and to project the future through the artistry of the not-so-remote past.
Curated by: Nini Palavandishvili
See also:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kote Jincharadze
Presentation of artworks @ Arci Gallery
Kote Jincharadze, born in 1962 in Georgia, lives and works in Tbilisi, Georgia. 1985 he graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Since 2001 he is a Professor at the Faculty of Design of the Academy. Jincharadze is a conceptual artist mainly working with objects, photography and performance. The main theme in his artworks is the system of values. He is concerned with different objects, hierarchy of positions/attitudes, and physical and spiritual parameters. His art reflects the merging of material and spiritual settings. The artist is a founder of ‘Arteli Ratcha’ foundation, which has been successfully organizing and hosting contemporary art workshops in the village of Chkvishi in the Ratcha region, Georgia. Jincharadze has been participating in many national and international shows in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Switzerland and Turkey. In 2005 he was a curator of the international art convention “Art-Caucasus” in Tbilisi.
Presentation of artworks @ Arci Gallery
Kote Jincharadze, born in 1962 in Georgia, lives and works in Tbilisi, Georgia. 1985 he graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Since 2001 he is a Professor at the Faculty of Design of the Academy. Jincharadze is a conceptual artist mainly working with objects, photography and performance. The main theme in his artworks is the system of values. He is concerned with different objects, hierarchy of positions/attitudes, and physical and spiritual parameters. His art reflects the merging of material and spiritual settings. The artist is a founder of ‘Arteli Ratcha’ foundation, which has been successfully organizing and hosting contemporary art workshops in the village of Chkvishi in the Ratcha region, Georgia. Jincharadze has been participating in many national and international shows in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Switzerland and Turkey. In 2005 he was a curator of the international art convention “Art-Caucasus” in Tbilisi.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Goga Jafaridze
Portfolio presentation and exhibition @ Arci Gallery
22-23-24 დეკემბერს 2008 წლის, არსის საგამოფენო დარბაზში სახელოვნებო გაერთიანება ,,არქიდრომმა" წარმოადგინა გოგა ჯაფარიძის გამოფენა ,, ტექსტებზე აგებული ნახატები ბაზელის ძველმანების ბაზრობაზე ნაპოვნი წიგნიდან".
გამოფენა წარმოადგენდა დიდი ფორმატის გრაფიკულ და ფერწერულ ნამუშევრებს, რომლებიც ობიექტების სახით არის დამონტაჟებული სივრცეში. ამ ნამუშევრებით მხატვარი აკვირდება ადამიანს - მისი ანთროპოლოგიიდან, მისივე მორაულ ფიზიოლოგიამდე.
Goga Japaridze, born in 1971 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Tbilisi. He graduated from the Faculty of Painting of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Japaridze completed land art and art therapy courses in Germany and Switzerland, where he also realized several projects and participated in exhibitions. Of particular note among his recent works is the “Kari” (Door) project presented in Tbilisi, a solo show in Ebersberg, Germany, and a social project in Dinhard, Switzerland. Since 2007 Japaridze has been teaching at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
Portfolio presentation and exhibition @ Arci Gallery
22-23-24 დეკემბერს 2008 წლის, არსის საგამოფენო დარბაზში სახელოვნებო გაერთიანება ,,არქიდრომმა" წარმოადგინა გოგა ჯაფარიძის გამოფენა ,, ტექსტებზე აგებული ნახატები ბაზელის ძველმანების ბაზრობაზე ნაპოვნი წიგნიდან".
გამოფენა წარმოადგენდა დიდი ფორმატის გრაფიკულ და ფერწერულ ნამუშევრებს, რომლებიც ობიექტების სახით არის დამონტაჟებული სივრცეში. ამ ნამუშევრებით მხატვარი აკვირდება ადამიანს - მისი ანთროპოლოგიიდან, მისივე მორაულ ფიზიოლოგიამდე.
Goga Japaridze, born in 1971 in Tbilisi, Georgia, lives and works in Tbilisi. He graduated from the Faculty of Painting of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Japaridze completed land art and art therapy courses in Germany and Switzerland, where he also realized several projects and participated in exhibitions. Of particular note among his recent works is the “Kari” (Door) project presented in Tbilisi, a solo show in Ebersberg, Germany, and a social project in Dinhard, Switzerland. Since 2007 Japaridze has been teaching at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.
Curated by: Sophia Kilassonia
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